We’re excited to keep the momentum we’ve built with In House Out and the local in-house legal community.

Our community consists of over 130 in-house legal practitioners and now fits more comfortably under the clienthaven umbrella.

If you are a local in-house attorney, please click here to learn more and to join the mailing list. In House Out’s mission is to help local in-house lawyers feel more connected!

IHO casually connects corporate counsel with two non-profit visibility and networking events a year in the Spring and Fall. We strive to build a diverse community of in-house legal professionals who connect with purpose to generate a positive impact on their local community, their well-being, and their careers.

To date we have raised funds for Legal Aid of North Carolina and Southern Environmental Law Center.

We also work to shine a spotlight on individual in-house counsel and their passions inside and outside of work, including the non-profits they support and why!

Please click the images below to read our recent Spotlights!